
Ancestor Meaning in Urdu: اجداد

Ancestor, pronounced as /ˈanˌsɛstər/, refers to a person from whom one is descended, typically through the male line. In Urdu, it is known as “اجداد”. Ancestors hold great significance in various cultures and religions, as they are believed to shape the present and future of their descendants.

Meanings of Ancestor in Urdu:

  • اجداد
  • سلسلہ وار پیش رفت کرنے والا
  • پیشوا

Synonyms of Ancestor:

1. Forefather – “پوروی”

2. Progenitor – “باپ دادا”

3. Forebear – “پیشوا”

Antonyms of Ancestor:

1. Descendant – “نسل”

2. Offspring – “نسل”

3. Posterity – “آنے والی نسل”

Nearby Words:

1. Ancestral (Adjective) – “جدی”

2. Ancestry (Noun) – “نسلی”

3. Ancestress (Noun) – “مادر جد”

Origin of the Word Ancestor:

The word “ancestor” originated from the Latin word “antecessor,” which means “predecessor” or “forefather.” It entered the English language in the 13th century and has been widely used since then to refer to one’s forefathers or those who came before.

Example Sentences:

1. My ancestors migrated to this region centuries ago. (میرے اجداد صدیوں پہلے اس علاقے میں مقیم ہوئے تھے۔)

2. She takes pride in her rich ancestral heritage. (وہ اپنی اجدادی ورثے پر فخر کرتی ہے۔)

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