bad blood

Bad Blood Meaning in Urdu: Explained

Bad Blood, known as “بد خون” in Urdu, is a commonly used phrase that carries multiple meanings. Let’s explore the various interpretations of this phrase:

Meanings of Bad Blood in Urdu:

  1. بد خونی: Refers to a state of hostility or animosity between individuals or groups.
  2. خون کی خرابی: Indicates a medical condition characterized by impure or contaminated blood.
  3. رشتے داروں کے درمیان نفرت: Describes a situation where there is deep-seated resentment or enmity within a family or relatives.

Synonyms of Bad Blood:

Synonyms for Bad Blood include:

  • Hostility (دشمنی)
  • Enmity (دشمنی)
  • Rancor (دشمنی)

Bad Blood Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of Bad Blood in Urdu is “bad khoon”.


Antonyms for Bad Blood in Urdu:

  • Friendship (دوستی)
  • Harmony (ہم آہنگی)
  • Amicability (دوستانہ رویہ)

Nearby Words:

Related words to Bad Blood in Urdu:

  • Bad (بد) – Adjective
  • Blood (خون) – Noun
  • Meaning (معنی) – Noun

Origin of the Word Bad Blood:

The phrase “Bad Blood” originated from the belief in medieval medicine that certain illnesses were caused by impurities in the blood. This concept was later metaphorically extended to describe conflicts or animosity between people.

Example Sentences:

  1. بد خونی کی وجہ سے ان کے درمیان دوستی ختم ہوگئی۔ (Their friendship ended due to bad blood between them.)
  2. ان کے خون میں بد خونی کی کوئی علامت نہیں ہے۔ (There are no signs of bad blood in their relationship.)

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