
Back-Scratching Meaning in Urdu: A Comprehensive Guide

Back-scratching, known as “پیٹھ کھجلانا” in Urdu, is a term used to describe the act of mutual favoritism or the exchange of favors between individuals for personal gain. It is a practice where people scratch each other’s backs to gain advantages or benefits.

Synonyms of Back-Scratching:

  • تعاون
  • مدد
  • معاونت

Back-Scratching Pronunciation:



  • انصاف
  • بے پرواہی
  • بے تعلقی

Nearby Words:

  • Backache (noun) – کمر درد
  • Backbone (noun) – ریڑھ کی ہڈی
  • Backfire (verb) – الٹ پلٹ کام کرنا
  • Backlash (noun) – مخالفت

Origin of the Word Back-Scratching:

The term “back-scratching” originated from the literal act of scratching one’s back to relieve an itch. Over time, it evolved to represent the figurative concept of exchanging favors or mutual assistance.

Examples Sentences:

  • His success in the business was a result of back-scratching with influential people. (اس کے کاروبار میں کامیابی ان اہم شخصوں کے ساتھ پیٹھ کھجلانے کا نتیجہ تھا۔)
  • Political parties often engage in back-scratching to secure their positions. (سیاسی جماعتیں عموماً اپنی حیثیت محفوظ کرنے کے لئے پیٹھ کھجلاتی ہیں۔)

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