Alphabetize: Meaning and Pronunciation
In Telugu, the word “alphabetize” can be translated as: అక్షరమాలాక్రమించు (akṣaramālākramiñcu).
Pronunciation: (ak-sha-ra-maa-la-kra-miñ-chu)
Synonyms of Alphabetize
Some synonyms of “alphabetize” include: arrange in alphabetical order, sort alphabetically, and put in ABC order.
Nearby Words
Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and meanings:
- Alphabet (noun) – అక్షరమాల
- Alphabetical (adjective) – అక్షరమాలాత్మక
- Alphabetically (adverb) – అక్షరమాలాన్ని
- Alphabetic (adjective) – అక్షరమాలాత్మక
Example sentence: “Please alphabetize the names of the students.”
The antonym of “alphabetize” in Telugu is: అక్షరమాలాక్రమించకుండా ఉంచు (akṣaramālākramiñcakuṇḍā uncu).
For further information on “alphabetize,” you can visit the following websites:
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