
Almsfolk: Meaning and Pronunciation

Almsfolk is a noun that refers to people who receive or depend on alms, which are charitable donations given to the poor or needy. In Telugu, almsfolk can be translated as దానం పొందుటకు అవసరమైన వారు (dānaṁ pōnduṭaku avasaramaina vāru).

Pronunciation: almsfolk (ahlmz-fohk)

Synonyms of Almsfolk

1. Beggars
2. Mendicants
3. Paupers
4. Indigents
5. Destitutes

Nearby Words

1. Almsgiver (noun) – దానికి అర్హుడు (dāniki arḥuḍu)
Example: The kind-hearted woman was a generous almsgiver.

2. Almsgiving (noun) – దానం (dānaṁ)
Example: The act of almsgiving is considered a virtuous deed in many cultures.

3. Almsgiving (adjective) – దానం చేసే (dānaṁ cēsē)
Example: The almsgiving man donated a large sum of money to the homeless shelter.

4. Almsgiving (verb) – దానం చేయు (dānaṁ cēyu)
Example: The wealthy businessman decided to almsgiving regularly to support the local orphanage.


The antonym of almsfolk in Telugu is అన్నింటికి అర్హుడు (anniṇṭiki arḥuḍu), which means “donor” or “contributor”.

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