
Allusiveness: Exploring the Meaning and Significance in Telugu Language

Allusiveness, known as అనుసంధానం (anusandhānam) in Telugu, is a literary device that refers to the quality of being indirect, elusive, or suggestive in speech or writing. It involves making references or allusions to other works, events, or ideas, allowing the audience to infer deeper meanings or connections.

Pronunciation of Allusiveness

Allusiveness is pronounced as /əˈluːsɪvnəs/.

Synonyms of Allusiveness

Some synonyms of allusiveness include:

  • Indirectness
  • Suggestiveness
  • Evasiveness
  • Implication
  • Insinuation

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to allusiveness:

  • Allegory (noun) – నిర్దేశాలు (nirdēśālu) – The story or poem in which characters, objects, or events represent abstract qualities or ideas.
  • Allusion (noun) – అనుసంధానం (anusandhānam) – An indirect or passing reference to something.
  • Metaphor (noun) – రూపకం (rūpakaṁ) – A figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.
  • Symbolism (noun) – చిహ్నాత్మకత (cihnātmat) – The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

Example Sentence: The poet’s allusiveness in his verses adds depth and intrigue to his work.


The antonym of allusiveness in Telugu is స్పష్టత (sphaṣṭata), which means “clarity” or “explicitness”.

To explore more about allusiveness, you can refer to the following sources:

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