alive and kicking

Alive and Kicking: Meaning and Usage

Alive and Kicking is an idiomatic expression used to describe someone or something that is active, lively, and in good health. In Telugu, it can be translated as జీవంతం మరియు పెట్టుబడిన (jīvaṁtaṁ mariyu peṭṭubaḍina).


The pronunciation of “alive and kicking” is [uh-lahyv] [uhnd] [kik-ing].


Some synonyms for “alive and kicking” include:

  • Active and energetic
  • Full of life
  • Vibrant and thriving
  • Alive and well
  • Fit as a fiddle

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “alive and kicking” are:

  • Alive (adjective) – జీవంతమైన (jīvaṁtamaina)
  • Kick (noun) – పెట్టు (peṭṭu)
  • Active (adjective) – క్రియాశీలమైన (kriyāśīlamaina)
  • Energetic (adjective) – శక్తివంతమైన (śaktivaṁtamaina)

Example sentences:

  1. He is still alive and kicking at the age of 90. (వయస్సు 90 కాలంలో అతను ఇంకా జీవంతం మరియు పెట్టుబడినట్టుగా ఉన్నాడు.)
  2. After recovering from the illness, she is now alive and kicking. (ఆరోగ్యం పొందిన తరువాత, ఇప్పుడు అతనిని జీవంతం మరియు పెట్టుబడినట్టుగా చేస్తున్నారు.)


The antonym for “alive and kicking” is “dead and lifeless.” In Telugu, it can be translated as మృతం మరియు నిష్క్రియ (mṛtaṁ mariyu niṣkriya).

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