
Aliments: Meaning and Pronunciation

In Telugu language, aliments can be translated as ఆరోగ్యకరమైన ఆహారాలు (ārōgyakaramaina āhārālu). Pronunciation: /ˈælɪmənts/.

Synonyms of Aliments

1. Diseases: రోగాలు (rōgālu)
2. Disorders: వికారాలు (vikārālu)
3. Illnesses: ఆరోగ్యహానికర వికారాలు (ārōgyahānika vikārālu)

Nearby Words

1. Symptoms (Noun): లక్షణాలు (lakṣaṇālu) – The doctor examined the patient’s symptoms to make a diagnosis.
2. Treatment (Noun): చికిత్స (cikitsa) – The treatment for this ailment involves medication and rest.
3. Diagnosis (Noun): నిదానం (nidānaṁ) – The doctor performed several tests to reach an accurate diagnosis.
4. Medication (Noun): మందు (mandu) – The patient was prescribed medication to alleviate the symptoms.
5. Recovery (Noun): కోలుక (kōluka) – With proper care, the patient’s recovery was swift and complete.

Example Sentences

1. The symptoms of this ailment include fever and fatigue.
2. The doctor recommended a new treatment for the chronic ailment.
3. The diagnosis revealed a rare ailment that required specialized care.
4. The medication helped alleviate the patient’s ailment.
5. With time and rest, the patient’s recovery from the ailment was remarkable.


The antonym of aliments in Telugu is ఆరోగ్యం (ārōgyaṁ), meaning “health”.


For more information on aliments, you can visit the following websites:


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