
Albuminous: Meaning and Pronunciation

Albuminous is an English adjective that refers to something containing or resembling albumen, a protein found in egg white. It is pronounced as /ælˈbjuːmɪnəs/.

Synonyms of Albuminous

Some synonyms of albuminous include:

  • Proteinaceous (ప్రోటీనేషస్)
  • Protein-like (ప్రోటీన్-లక్)
  • Albuminoid (ఆల్బ్యూమినాయిడ్)

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and meanings in Telugu:

  • Albumen (Noun) – ఆల్బ్యూమెన్: The white of an egg.
  • Albino (Noun) – అల్బినో: A person or animal lacking normal pigmentation.
  • Albeit (Conjunction) – అలాగేమీ: Although; even though.
  • Alb (Noun) – అల్బ్: A long white linen robe worn by priests.

Example sentences:

  1. The recipe calls for the separation of egg yolk from the albumen.
  2. The albino squirrel stood out among its gray counterparts.
  3. Albeit expensive, the product is worth the investment.
  4. The priest wore a traditional alb during the ceremony.


The antonym of albuminous in Telugu is అల్బ్యూమినాయిడ్ కాదు.

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