
Aits: Meaning and Pronunciation in Telugu

Aits is an English word that has several meanings in Telugu. Here are some of the meanings: ఆయిట్స్ (āyits), ఆయిట్స్ (āyits), ఆయిట్స్ (āyits).

Pronunciation: (āyts)

Synonyms of Aits

Some synonyms of aits include: substitute, replacement, alternative, and stand-in.

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and meanings in Telugu:

  • Word 1: Part of Speech (Meaning in Telugu)
  • Word 2: Part of Speech (Meaning in Telugu)
  • Word 3: Part of Speech (Meaning in Telugu)

Related Sentences:

  1. Sentence 1
  2. Sentence 2
  3. Sentence 3


The antonym of aits in Telugu is అంతర్జాలం (antarjālam).


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