age long

Age Long: Meaning, Pronunciation, Synonyms, and More

Meaning in Telugu: చాలా కాలం నుంచి (chālā kālam nunchi), చాలా కాలం పైన (chālā kālam paina), చాలా కాలం ప్రాంతంలో (chālā kālam prāntamlo)

Pronunciation: eyj lawng

Synonyms: long-lasting, enduring, eternal, everlasting, perpetual

Nearby Words:

  • Time (Noun): సమయం (samayam) – Can you spare some time for me?
  • Duration (Noun): వ్యవధి (vyavadhi) – The duration of the movie was three hours.
  • Century (Noun): శతాబ్దం (śatābdam) – The Taj Mahal was built in the 17th century.
  • Eternity (Noun): నిత్యత్వం (nityatvam) – Love is said to last for eternity.

Example Sentences:

  1. The age-long tradition of celebrating harvest festivals continues in rural areas.
  2. They have been friends for an age long.
  3. Her age-long dream of becoming a doctor finally came true.


The antonym of “age long” in Telugu is “చిన్న కాలం” (chinnā kālam), meaning “short-lived” or “brief.”

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Remember, “age long” refers to something that has lasted for a significant period of time, often implying endurance or perpetuity.

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