affiliation fee

Affiliation Fee: Meaning and Significance

An affiliation fee, also known as a membership fee, is a monetary amount paid by individuals or organizations to become a member or affiliate of a particular group, association, or organization. It is a common practice in various fields, including education, sports, and professional networks. The fee serves as a contribution towards the maintenance, development, and administration of the group or organization.

Pronunciation of Affiliation Fee

(Pronunciation: uh-fil-ee-ey-shuhn fee)

Synonyms of Affiliation Fee

Membership fee, Association fee, Subscription fee, Joining fee

Nearby Words

– Affiliation (Noun) – అనుబంధం, సంబంధం, సంబంధించిన స్థానం
– Affiliate (Noun) – అనుబంధితుడు, సంబంధిత సంస్థ
– Association (Noun) – అనుబంధం, సంఘం, సంఘటన
– Membership (Noun) – సభ్యత్వం, అంగత్వం, సభ్యులు
– Contribution (Noun) – ధనం, సహాయం, అందనం

Example Sentences:

– The affiliation with the organization requires an annual fee.
– He paid the membership fee to join the sports club.
– The association fee is used for organizing events and activities.
– The contribution from members helps in the development of the group.
– The affiliate benefits from various services provided by the organization.


The antonym for affiliation fee in Telugu is “అనుబంధం ఫీ లేదా సభ్యత్వ ఫీ లేదా చేరడం ఫీ లేదా చేరుకుంటే చెల్లని ఫీ”.


For more information on affiliation fee, you can refer to the following sources:

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