
Adequacies: Meaning and Pronunciation

Adequacies is a noun that refers to the state or quality of being adequate or sufficient. In Telugu, it can be translated as సామర్థ్యం (samarthyaṁ), పూర్తిగా (pūrtigā), సరిపోవుట (saripōvuṭa).

Pronunciation: uh-dek-wuh-seez

Synonyms of Adequacies

Some synonyms of adequacies include:

  • competence
  • capability
  • sufficiency
  • proficiency
  • suitability

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and meanings in Telugu:

  • Adaptation (noun) – అనుకూలత (anukūlata): the act of adjusting or modifying to suit a new purpose or environment.
    Example sentence: The adaptation of the novel into a movie was well-received by the audience.
  • Adequate (adjective) – సరిపోవుట (saripōvuṭa): sufficient or suitable for a specific purpose.
    Example sentence: The company provided adequate training for its employees.
  • Adhere (verb) – పట్టుకొను (paṭṭukonu): to stick or cling to something.
    Example sentence: It is important to adhere to the rules and regulations of the organization.


The antonym of adequacies is inadequacy, which can be translated as అపరాధం (aparādhaṁ) in Telugu.

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