accumulated dividend

Accumulated Dividend: Meaning and Pronunciation

Accumulated Dividend is a financial term that refers to the unpaid dividends on a cumulative preferred stock. It represents the amount of dividends that have accumulated over time and have not been paid out to shareholders. In Telugu, it is known as కూటిన వరము (kūṭina varamu), కూటిన డివిడెండ్ (kūṭina ḍiviḍeṇḍ).

Pronunciation: (koo-tee-na va-ra-mu), (koo-tee-na di-vi-den-d)

Synonyms of Accumulated Dividend

1. Accrued Dividend
2. Cumulative Dividend
3. Unpaid Dividend
4. Undistributed Dividend
5. Retained Dividend

Nearby Words

1. Accumulate (verb) – కూటించు (kūṭin̄cu) – The company will accumulate profits for future investments.
2. Accumulation (noun) – కూటినిపించు (kūṭinipiñcu) – The accumulation of wealth is a long-term process.
3. Accumulator (noun) – కూటినిపించేవాడు (kūṭinipiñcēvāḍu) – He is an accumulator of rare books.
4. Accumulative (adjective) – కూటినిపించే (kūṭinipiñcē) – The company has an accumulative dividend policy.

Example Sentence: The accumulated dividend will be paid out to the shareholders at the end of the financial year.


The antonym of accumulated dividend in Telugu is వరము (varamu).

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