
Acquiring: Meaning and Pronunciation

Acquiring is a verb that refers to the act of obtaining or gaining something. In Telugu, it is translated as పొందుట (pondutu).

Pronunciation: /əˈkwaɪərɪŋ/

Synonyms of Acquiring

Some synonyms of acquiring include obtaining, gaining, procuring, securing, and attaining.

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to acquiring:

  • Noun: acquisition – పొందడం (pondadam)
  • Adjective: acquired – పొందిన (pondina)
  • Verb: acquirement – పొందడం (pondadam)
  • Adverb: acquisitively – పొందినట్టుగా (pondinattugā)

Example sentences:

  1. I am acquiring new skills to enhance my career prospects. (Noun)
  2. She has an acquired taste for spicy food. (Adjective)
  3. His acquirement of knowledge impressed the teachers. (Verb)
  4. He looked at the painting acquisitively, wanting to add it to his collection. (Adverb)


The antonym of acquiring is relinquishing, which is translated as విడిచిపోవడం (viḍicipōvaḍaṁ) in Telugu.

Additional Resources

For more information on acquiring, you can visit the following websites:

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