

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: (ak-luh-mey-shuhn)

Meanings of Acclamation in Telugu:

  1. అభినందన (abhinandana) – Praising or applauding someone enthusiastically.
  2. ప్రశంస (prashamsa) – Expressing approval or admiration for someone or something.
  3. జయఘోష (jayaghosha) – A loud shout or cheer of approval or support.

Synonyms of Acclamation:

  • Applause
  • Cheering
  • Adulation
  • Plaudits

Nearby Words:

  • Acclaim (అభినందించు) – To praise or applaud someone or something.
  • Accolade (ప్రశంస) – An award or honor given to someone for their achievements.
  • Admiration (ఆదరణ) – A feeling of respect and approval for someone or something.
  • Approval (ఆమోదం) – The act of officially agreeing to or accepting something.


  • Criticism (నిందన) – The act of expressing disapproval or pointing out faults.
  • Rejection (తిరస్కరణ) – The act of refusing to accept, believe, or consider something.
  • Disapproval (అంగీకరించడం లేని) – The act of having a negative opinion or judgment about someone or something.
  • Denunciation (నిందన) – A public condemnation or criticism of someone or something.

For more information, you can visit the following links:

  1. – Acclamation
  2. – Acclamation
  3. – Acclamation

Acclamation is a term used to describe the act of praising or applauding someone enthusiastically. It can also refer to expressing approval or admiration for someone or something. In Telugu, acclamation is translated as “అభినందన” (abhinandana), “ప్రశంస” (prashamsa), or “జయఘోష” (jayaghosha).

Synonyms of acclamation include applause, cheering, adulation, and plaudits. These words convey the idea of showing approval or support for someone or something.

Some nearby words related to acclamation are acclaim (అభినందించు), which means to praise or applaud, accolade (ప్రశంస), which refers to an award or honor, admiration (ఆదరణ), which is a feeling of respect and approval, and approval (ఆమోదం), which signifies officially agreeing to or accepting something.

Antonyms of acclamation include criticism (నిందన), rejection (తిరస్కరణ), disapproval (అంగీకరించడం లేని), and denunciation (నిందన). These words represent the opposite of acclamation, indicating disapproval or condemnation.

For further information on acclamation, you can refer to,, or

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