
Budweiser Meaning in Nepali

Meanings of Budweiser in Nepali

Budweiser is a popular brand of beer, and it does not have a direct translation in Nepali. However, the word “beer” in Nepali is “बियर” (biyar).

Parts of Speech of Budweiser

The word “Budweiser” is a noun.

Budweiser Synonyms

  • बियर (biyar) – Beer
  • दारु (darū) – Alcohol
  • मद्य (madya) – Liquor
  • शराब (śarāba) – Wine

Budweiser Antonyms

As Budweiser is a brand of beer, it does not have direct antonyms. However, if we consider antonyms for “beer” in Nepali:

  • जल (jal) – Water
  • चिया (chiyā) – Tea
  • दूध (dūdh) – Milk
  • रस (ras) – Juice

Budweiser Nearby Words

  • बियर घर (biyar ghar) – Beer house (Noun)
  • बियर बटल (biyar baṭal) – Beer bottle (Noun)
  • बियर खानु (biyar khānu) – To drink beer (Verb)
  • बियर पाउनु (biyar pāunu) – To get beer (Verb)
  • बियर पिउनु (biyar piunu) – To drink beer (Verb)
  • बियरको दुकान (biyarko dukān) – Beer shop (Noun)

Remember, Budweiser is a specific brand of beer, and its meaning in Nepali is not a direct translation but rather a reference to the broader concept of beer.

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