
Attentions Meaning in Nepali: ध्यान, चेतना, चिन्तन, अवगति, अभिप्रेति

Nearby Words:

Noun: Attention (ध्यान), Awareness (अवगति), Concentration (एकाग्रता), Consideration (विचार), Thought (चिन्तन)

Verb: Attend (उपस्थित हुनु), Notice (सूचना दिनु), Observe (अवलोकन गर्नु), Perceive (अनुभव गर्नु), Regard (मान्नु)

Part of Speech of Attentions:


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Attentions Synonyms:

Focus, Concentration (एकाग्रता), Awareness (अवगति), Consideration (विचार), Thoughtfulness (चिन्तामणि), Mindfulness (चेतना)

Description: Attentions refer to the act of focusing one’s mind or giving consideration to something. It involves being aware and observant of a particular subject or situation. The term originates from the Latin word “attentio,” meaning “attention” or “careful observation.” Attentions can be directed towards various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, or personal growth. It plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity, understanding, and overall well-being.


Distraction, Neglect (उपेक्षा), Inattention (असावधानता), Disregard (अनदेखि), Indifference (उदासीनता)

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