bag and baggage

Bag and Baggage Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings:

1. झोला र झोलामा राख्नु (noun)

2. सामान र वस्त्रहरू (noun)

3. सामान लिएर जानु (verb)

Part of Speech:

The words “bag” and “baggage” are both nouns.


Bag: /bæɡ/ (bag)

Baggage: /ˈbæɡɪdʒ/ (bag-ij)

Bag and Baggage Synonyms:

1. Luggage – सामान

2. Suitcase – सूटकेस

3. Backpack – ब्याकप्याक

4. Sack – थैली

5. Tote – टोट

6. Pouch – थैलो

Description and Origination:

The phrase “bag and baggage” refers to carrying all of one’s belongings or possessions. It originated from the practice of packing all items in bags and other containers while traveling. The phrase is commonly used to indicate a complete departure or removal from a place, often with a negative connotation. It can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who is fully committed or involved in a situation.


1. Empty-handed – खाली हातले

2. Unburdened – भारहरू नभएको

3. Unencumbered – बाधाहरू नभएको

4. Light – हल्का

5. Unladen – खाली


For more information on the meanings and usage of “bag and baggage,” you can visit the following links: