Attainment Meaning in Nepali: प्राप्ति, अर्जन, उपलब्धि, साधन, गर्व, योग्यता
Nearby Words:
Noun: Achievement (साधारणतया), Accomplishment (सिद्धि), Success (सफलता), Realization (अनुभव), Acquisition (प्राप्ति)
Verb: Achieve (साधन गर्नु), Accomplish (सिधाउनु), Obtain (प्राप्त गर्नु), Gain (प्राप्त गर्नु), Attain (प्राप्त गर्नु)
Part of Speech of Attainment:
Pronunciation of Attainment:
Attainment Synonyms:
1. Achievement (साधारणतया)
2. Accomplishment (सिद्धि)
3. Success (सफलता)
4. Realization (अनुभव)
5. Acquisition (प्राप्ति)
6. Fulfillment (पूर्णता)
Attainment Antonyms:
1. Failure (असफलता)
2. Loss (हानि)
3. Defeat (पराजय)
4. Setback (पछाडि)
5. Frustration (निराशा)
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