Atomicity Meaning in Nepali: एटोमिसिटी, एकात्मता, एकात्मतात्व, एकात्मतात्वको अर्थ
Nearby Words:
Noun: एकात्मता, एकात्मतात्व, एकात्मतात्वको अर्थ
Adjective: एकात्म, एकात्मतात्मक
Part of Speech:
Atomicity Synonyms:
1. Unity – एकता
2. Wholeness – पूर्णता
3. Singleness – एकात्मता
4. Oneness – एकात्मता
5. Indivisibility – अविभाज्यता
6. Integrity – अखण्डता
Description and Origination:
Atomicity refers to the quality or state of being atomic, indivisible, or whole. It is a concept commonly used in computer science and database management systems. In the context of transactions, atomicity ensures that a series of operations either all occur or none occur at all. This means that if any part of a transaction fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, and the database is left unchanged. The term “atomicity” originated from the word “atom,” which is the smallest unit of matter that cannot be divided further. In the context of databases, atomicity ensures that transactions are treated as indivisible units, similar to atoms.
1. Division – विभाजन
2. Separation – विभाजन
3. Fragmentation – विभाजन
4. Disunity – अएकता
5. Incompleteness – अपूर्णता
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