at death’s door

At Death’s Door Meaning in Nepali

At death’s door, meaning in Nepali can be translated as “मृत्युको ढोकामा”, “मृत्युको द्वारमा”, “मृत्युको आगामी”, “मृत्युको निकट”, “मृत्युको करिब”, “मृत्युको अवस्थामा”.

Nearby Words

– At (Preposition) – मा, बाट, द्वारा, जस्तो, अनुसार

– Death (Noun) – मृत्यु, मरण, निधन, नाश, अन्त्य, अवसान

– Door (Noun) – ढोका, दरवाजा, बाहिरी, द्वार, दरवाज्या, दरवाज्यामा

Part of Speech of At Death’s Door: Phrase

Pronunciation of At Death’s Door: (æt dɛθz dɔr)

At Death’s Door Synonyms

– On the brink of death (मृत्युको कगारमा)

– Near death (मृत्युको निकट)

– Dying (मरणासन्न)

– Critical condition (गम्भीर अवस्था)

– In extremis (अत्यन्त गंभीर)

– On the verge of dying (मरणको कगारमा)

Description and Origination of At Death’s Door

The phrase “at death’s door” refers to someone who is extremely ill or close to dying. It originated from the idea that death is like a door that one passes through when transitioning from life to death. This phrase is often used to describe someone who is in a critical condition or on the brink of death.


– Healthy (स्वस्थ)

– Alive (जिउँदै)

– Well (राम्रो)

– Recovering (सुधार्नु)

– Stable (स्थिर)

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