at aloss

At Aloss Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, “at aloss” can be translated into several meanings. Some of the Nepali meanings of “at aloss” include: निराश, निराशाजनक, निराशाजनकता, निराशाजनकतामा, निराशाजनकताले (nirāśa, nirāśājanaka, nirāśājanakatā, nirāśājanakatāmā, nirāśājanakatāle).

Part of Speech

The part of speech for “at aloss” is an adverb.


The pronunciation of “at aloss” is [at uh-los].

Synonyms of At Aloss

Some synonyms of “at aloss” in English include: disappointed, discouraged, disheartened, dejected, crestfallen, and downcast. In Nepali, these synonyms can be translated as: निराशित, निराश, निराशाजनक, निराशाजनक, निराशित, and निराश.


Antonyms of “at aloss” in English include: hopeful, optimistic, encouraged, inspired, and elated. In Nepali, these antonyms can be translated as: आशावादी, आशावादी, प्रोत्साहित, प्रेरित, and उत्साहित.

Additional Resources

For more information on the meaning of “at aloss” in Nepali, you can visit the following websites: