
Asphyxiate Meaning in Nepali: अस्फिक्सिएट, निःस्वास लाग्नु, श्वासहीन बनाउनु, श्वासरोकनु

Nearby Words:

Noun: अस्फिक्सिएशन, श्वासरोकन, श्वासहीनता

Verb: अस्फिक्सिएट, निःस्वास लागाउनु, श्वासहीन बनाउनु

Part of Speech:




Asphyxiate Synonyms:

1. Suffocate – निःस्वास लाग्नु

2. Choke – गलामा आइपुग्नु

3. Smother – दबाउनु

4. Strangle – गलामा आइपुग्नु

5. Stifle – दबाउनु

6. Suffocate – निःस्वास लाग्नु

Description and Origination:

Asphyxiate refers to the act of causing someone to stop breathing or suffocate. It can also mean to deprive someone of oxygen or prevent them from breathing properly. The word originated from the Greek word “asphyktos,” meaning “strangled.” Asphyxiate is commonly used in medical and forensic contexts to describe the cause of death in cases where breathing is obstructed or oxygen supply is cut off. It is an important term in understanding respiratory distress and its consequences.


1. Breathe – सास लिनु

2. Inhale – सास लिनु

3. Exhale – सास फोहोर लिनु

4. Oxygenate – अक्सिजनले भर्नु

5. Ventilate – हवा लागाउनु

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