
Ascribable Meaning in Nepali: जोड्न सकिने, जोड्न सकिने, जोड्न सकिने, जोड्न सकिने, जोड्न सकिने

Nearby Words:

1. Ascribe (verb): जोड्नु, जोड्नु, जोड्नु, जोड्नु, जोड्नु

2. Ascription (noun): जोड, जोड, जोड, जोड, जोड

3. Ascriber (noun): जोड्ने व्यक्ति, जोड्ने व्यक्ति, जोड्ने व्यक्ति, जोड्ने व्यक्ति, जोड्ने व्यक्ति

Part of Speech:

Ascribable is an adjective.


(uh-skrahy-buh l)

Ascribable Synonyms:

1. Attributable (जोड्न सकिने)

2. Imputable (जोड्न सकिने)

3. Assignable (जोड्न सकिने)

4. Credited (जोड्न सकिने)

5. Referable (जोड्न सकिने)

6. Accreditable (जोड्न सकिने)

Description and Origination:

Ascribable means capable of being attributed or assigned to a particular cause or source. It is derived from the verb “ascribe,” which means to attribute or assign something to a particular cause or source. The word originated from the Latin word “ascribere,” which means “to write in, add to.”


1. Unattributable (जोड्न नसकिने)

2. Unassignable (जोड्न नसकिने)

3. Unimputable (जोड्न नसकिने)

4. Uncredited (जोड्न नसकिने)

5. Irreferable (जोड्न नसकिने)

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