arms control

Arms Control Meaning in Nepali: शस्त्रास्त्र नियन्त्रण, हथियार नियन्त्रण, हथियार संचालन

Nearby Words:

Noun: नियन्त्रण, नियमन, नियम, अधिकार, शासन

Verb: नियन्त्रण गर्नु, नियमन गर्नु, नियमित गर्नु, अधिकार गर्नु, शासन गर्नु

Part of Speech:



(ahrms kuh n-trohl)

Arms Control Synonyms:

1. disarmament – हथियार निष्क्रियता

2. nonproliferation – हथियार विस्फोटन निरोध

3. arms limitation – हथियार सीमा

4. arms reduction – हथियार कमी

5. arms restraint – हथियार नियन्त्रण

6. arms moderation – हथियार मध्यस्थता

Description and Origination:

Arms control refers to the international efforts to limit, regulate, and reduce the production, possession, and use of weapons. It aims to prevent conflicts and promote peace by establishing agreements and treaties between nations. Arms control measures can include disarmament, nonproliferation, arms limitation, and arms reduction. The concept of arms control originated during the Cold War as a means to manage the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. It has since evolved to address various types of weapons, including nuclear, chemical, and conventional arms.


1. Arms buildup – हथियार बढाउनु

2. Arms expansion – हथियार विस्तार

3. Arms proliferation – हथियार विस्फोटन

4. Arms escalation – हथियार बढाउनु

5. Arms race – हथियार दौड

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