
Armory Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, the word “armory” can be translated into several meanings, including: सेनाको भण्डार, शस्त्रागार, शस्त्रशाला, शस्त्रागारी, शस्त्रगृह।

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their respective parts of speech and Nepali meanings:

  • Armor (noun) – आवरण, कवच
  • Armed (adjective) – हथियारबाट युक्त, सशस्त्र
  • Armful (noun) – हातको भार, हातको ढोका
  • Armchair (noun) – आरामको कुर्सी, आरामको गद्दी
  • Armistice (noun) – युद्धबन्दी, शान्ति सन्धि

Part of Speech

The part of speech for “armory” is noun.


The pronunciation of “armory” is: /ˈɑːrməri/ (ahr-muh-ree).

Armory Synonyms

Here are some synonyms for “armory” in English with their Nepali translations:

  • Arsenal – शस्त्रागार
  • Depot – भण्डार
  • Storehouse – भण्डार
  • Warehouse – गोदाम
  • Ammunition store – गोलाबारूद भण्डार
  • Weaponry – हथियारहरू

Origination of Armory

The term “armory” originated from the Middle English word “armorie,” which came from the Old French word “armoire” meaning “armor.” It refers to a place where weapons, armor, and military equipment are stored.


Unfortunately, there are no specific antonyms for “armory” in English or Nepali.

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