
Arched Meaning in Nepali: आर्च्ड, आर्च्ड अर्थ, आर्च्ड को अर्थ, आर्च्ड भाषा, आर्च्ड अनुवाद

Nearby Words:

Noun: Archery (धनुर्धारी), Archangel (अर्चएंजल), Archduke (आर्चड्यूक), Archetype (मूलरूप), Archipelago (द्वीपसमूह)

Verb: Arch (आर्च), Archive (आर्काइभ), Archaise (आर्चाइज), Archetype (मूलरूप), Architrave (आर्चिट्रेव)

Part of Speech of Arched:


Pronunciation of Arched:


Arched Synonyms:

Curved (वक्र), Bent (मोड़ा हुआ), Arching (आर्चिंग), Curvilinear (वक्ररेखीय), Arced (आर्च्ड)

Description and Origination of Arched:

Arched is an adjective that describes something having a curved or bow-shaped structure. It is derived from the Middle English word “arche,” which came from the Old French word “arche” meaning “bow or arch.” The term originated from the Latin word “arcus” meaning “bow or arch.” In architecture, an arched structure is commonly used to provide support and add aesthetic appeal to buildings and bridges.


Straight (सीधा), Flat (तल), Level (समतल), Horizontal (क्षैतिज), Unbent (अविकुर्वित)

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