
Arboraceous Meaning in Nepali: वृक्षारोपी, वन्य, वनस्पतिजन्य, वन्यवासी, वन्यवासीय

Nearby Words:

Noun: Tree (रुख), Forest (वन), Wood (काठ), Plant (वनस्पति), Jungle (जंगल)

Adjective: Woody (काठी), Leafy (पातीदार), Green (हरियो), Bushy (झाडीदार), Verdant (हरियाली)

Part of Speech:




Arboraceous Synonyms:

1. Woody – काठीदार

2. Leafy – पातीदार

3. Green – हरियो

4. Bushy – झाडीदार

5. Verdant – हरियाली

6. Sylvan – वन्यवासी

Description and Origination:

Arboraceous is an adjective that describes something as being related to or resembling a tree. It is derived from the Latin word “arbor,” meaning tree. In Nepali, it can be translated as वृक्षारोपी, वन्य, वनस्पतिजन्य, वन्यवासी, or वन्यवासीय. Arboraceous is often used to describe areas that are densely populated with trees or have a significant amount of vegetation. It can also be used to describe objects or materials that are made from wood or have a woody texture. Arboraceous is commonly used in scientific or botanical contexts to discuss plant life and ecosystems.


1. Barren – उपजाऊने नभएको

2. Desolate – उजाड

3. Treeless – रुखरहित

4. Deforested – वनमुक्त

5. Bare – खाली

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