
Amounting Meaning in Nepali

Amounting is a verb that is commonly used in the English language. In Nepali, it can be translated into multiple meanings:

  • जम्मा गर्नु (jamma garnu) – to total
  • मात्रा गर्नु (matra garnu) – to quantify
  • हुनु (hunu) – to be
  • समान हुनु (saman hunu) – to equal
  • बन्द गर्नु (banda garnu) – to close

Part of Speech of Amounting

Amounting is a verb.

Pronunciation of Amounting


Amounting Synonyms

  • Accumulating – जम्मा गर्नु (jamma garnu)
  • Totaling – जम्मा गर्नु (jamma garnu)
  • Equating – समान हुनु (saman hunu)
  • Summing – जम्मा गर्नु (jamma garnu)
  • Comprising – समावेश गर्नु (samaavesh garnu)
  • Constituting – गठन गर्नु (gathan garnu)


The term “amounting” refers to the process of calculating or determining the total or quantity of something. It can also indicate the act of being equal or closing something. In Nepali, it can be translated into various meanings such as जम्मा गर्नु (jamma garnu), मात्रा गर्नु (matra garnu), हुनु (hunu), समान हुनु (saman hunu), and बन्द गर्नु (banda garnu). It is important to understand the context in which “amounting” is used to accurately interpret its meaning.


  • Decreasing – कमी हुनु (kami hunu)
  • Reducing – कमी गर्नु (kami garnu)
  • Lessening – कमी गर्नु (kami garnu)
  • Diminishing – कमी गर्नु (kami garnu)
  • Subtracting – घटाउनु (ghataunu)

For more detailed information, you can refer to the following sources:

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