

Pronunciation: (uh-bawr-tiv-lee)

Part of Speech: adverb


  1. असफलतापूर्वक (asaphalatapurva): in an unsuccessful or incomplete manner
  2. असफलतापूर्वक रूपमा (asaphalatapurva rupama): in a manner that ends before completion

Nearby Words:

  • Abortive (असफल)
  • Abortion (गर्भपात)
  • Abound (बहुतै)
  • Abode (निवास)
  • Abolish (समाप्त गर्नु)
  • Abominable (घिनौनो)
  • Abound in (बहुतै छ)


  • Unsuccessfully
  • Incompletely
  • Unsuccessfully
  • Unsuccessfully
  • Unsuccessfully
  • Unsuccessfully
  • Unsuccessfully


  • Successfully (सफलतापूर्वक)

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Abortively is an adverb that describes an action or process that is unsuccessful or incomplete. It can also refer to something that ends before completion. In Nepali, it is translated as “असफलतापूर्वक” and “असफलतापूर्वक रूपमा”. Nearby words include “Abortive” (असफल), “Abortion” (गर्भपात), and “Abound” (बहुतै). The synonyms for abortively include “unsuccessfully” and “incompletely”. The antonym is “successfully” (सफलतापूर्वक). For further information and examples, you can refer to dictionary.com, wikipedia.org, or thefreedictionary.com.