
Also Meaning in Nepali

Also is a versatile word that can be used as an adverb, conjunction, or pronoun in English. In Nepali, it can be translated into two or three different meanings, depending on the context. The meanings of also in Nepali are:

  1. पनि (pani) – meaning “too” or “as well”
  2. साथै (sathai) – meaning “along with” or “in addition to”
  3. (optional) अतिरिक्त (atirikt) – meaning “extra” or “additional”

Pronunciation: [awl-soh]

Part of Speech: Adverb, Conjunction, Pronoun

Nearby Words:

  • Moreover (Adverb) – यसप्रमाणे (yasapramane) – meaning “in addition” or “furthermore”
  • Furthermore (Adverb) – यसप्रमाणे (yasapramane) – meaning “in addition” or “moreover”
  • Additionally (Adverb) – यसप्रमाणे (yasapramane) – meaning “in addition” or “also”
  • As well (Adverb) – पनि (pani) – meaning “also” or “too”
  • Besides (Preposition) – पनि (pani) – meaning “in addition to” or “apart from”


  • Furthermore
  • Moreover
  • In addition
  • Additionally
  • Besides


In Nepali, the antonym of also is:

  • मात्र (matra) – meaning “only” or “just”

For more information and detailed definitions, you can refer to the following sources: