
Allogamy: Meaning in Nepali

Allogamy (अल्लोगामी) is a noun in Nepali that refers to the process of fertilization between two genetically different individuals of the same species. It can also be defined as the opposite of self-fertilization or autogamy.

Pronunciation: (al-uh-guh-mee)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • 1. Autogamy (Noun) – स्वजनन
  • 2. Cross-fertilization (Noun) – पारजनन
  • 3. Pollination (Noun) – बीजाणुवात
  • 4. Fertilization (Noun) – उपजन
  • 5. Reproduction (Noun) – प्रजनन


  • 1. Xenogamy
  • 2. Heterogamy
  • 3. Cross-fertilization
  • 4. Outcrossing
  • 5. Allofertilization


The antonym of allogamy in Nepali is स्वजनन (swajanana), which means autogamy or self-fertilization.

Learn More:

Allogamy plays a crucial role in maintaining genetic diversity within a species. It allows for the exchange of genetic material between individuals, leading to the creation of offspring with unique combinations of traits. This process is essential for the survival and adaptation of species in changing environments. Allogamy can occur through various mechanisms, such as cross-pollination in plants or mating between different individuals in animals. Understanding allogamy helps scientists and researchers comprehend the evolutionary dynamics and reproductive strategies of different organisms.

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