Meaning in Nepali: अल्कली, शारीरिक रसायन
Pronunciation: (alk-uh-lahyz)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Acid: noun – अम्ल
- Base: noun – आधार
- Chemical: noun – रासायनिक
- Compound: noun – यौगिक
- Element: noun – तत्त्व
- caustic
- lye
- soda
- base
- alkali
acid (अम्ल)
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Alkalis, also known as “अल्कली” or “शारीरिक रसायन” in Nepali, are substances that have a high pH level and can neutralize acids. They are commonly found in cleaning products, soaps, and detergents. Alkalis are known for their caustic properties and are often used in various industrial processes.
Some nearby words related to alkalis include “acid” (अम्ल), “base” (आधार), “chemical” (रासायनिक), “compound” (यौगिक), and “element” (तत्त्व).
Synonyms for alkalis include caustic, lye, soda, base, and alkali. On the other hand, the antonym for alkalis is acid (अम्ल).
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