
Aha Meaning in Nepali

Aha (आहा) is a Nepali word that can be used as a noun or an interjection. It is pronounced as “ah-ha” in English.

Meanings in Nepali:

  1. आचरण गर्नु (to behave)
  2. चिन्ता गर्नु (to worry)

Part of Speech:

Aha is a noun and an interjection.

Nearby Words:

  • Chinta (noun) – चिन्ता (worry)
  • Acharan (noun) – आचरण (behavior)
  • Chinta garnu (verb) – चिन्ता गर्नु (to worry)


  • चिन्ता (Chinta)
  • चिन्तित (Chintit)
  • विचार (Vichar)
  • चिन्तामणि (Chintamani)
  • चिन्ताको विषय (Chintako Vishay)


There are no specific antonyms for “aha” in Nepali.

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