

Meaning in Nepali: एकत्रित, समूह, संचय

Pronunciation: (ag-ri-gits)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Aggregate (noun): समूह, संचय
  • Aggregation (noun): समूहीकरण, संचयन
  • Aggravate (verb): बढाउनु, खराब गर्नु
  • Aggravation (noun): बढाउने क्रिया, खराबी
  • Aggressive (adjective): आक्रामक, उग्र


  • collective
  • combination
  • mass
  • whole
  • totality


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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Aggregates refer to a collection or combination of things. In Nepali, it can be translated as “एकत्रित,” “समूह,” or “संचय.” As a noun, aggregates represent a whole or a mass formed by the combination of individual elements. Some nearby words include “aggregate” (समूह, संचय), “aggregation” (समूहीकरण, संचयन), “aggravate” (बढाउनु, खराब गर्नु), “aggravation” (बढाउने क्रिया, खराबी), and “aggressive” (आक्रामक, उग्र).

When using “aggregates,” you can also consider synonyms such as “collective,” “combination,” “mass,” “whole,” or “totality.” Unfortunately, no direct antonyms were found in Nepali for this word.

For further information and a more comprehensive understanding of “aggregates,” you can visit,, or

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