
Agglutinate: Meaning in Nepali

Agglutinate (एग्लुटिनेट) is a verb in Nepali that means to join or stick together. It can also mean to combine or unite different elements into a single whole. Another meaning of agglutinate in Nepali is to form words by adding affixes or suffixes to a base word.

Pronunciation: (uh-gloo-tuh-neyt)

Part of Speech: Verb

Nearby Words:

  • Agglutination (noun) – एग्लुटिनेसन: The process of joining or sticking together.
  • Agglutinative (adjective) – एग्लुटिनेटिभ: Having the ability to join or stick together.
  • Agglutinogen (noun) – एग्लुटिनोजेन: A substance that stimulates the production of agglutinins in the blood.


  • Combine (मिलाउनु)
  • Unite (एकीकृत गर्नु)
  • Join (जोड्नु)
  • Fuse (मिलाउनु)
  • Blend (मिश्रण गर्नु)


In Nepali, the antonym of agglutinate is छुट्टाउनु (Chhuttaunu), which means to separate or detach.

For more information on the word “agglutinate,” you can refer to the following sources: