age group

Age Group

Meaning in Nepali: उमेर समूह, वयस्कता समूह

Pronunciation: (uhj groop)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adolescent: तरुण, किशोर
  • Adult: प्राप्तवयस्क, मृदु
  • Elderly: बृद्ध, वृद्ध
  • Infant: शिशु, नवजात
  • Youth: युवा, तरुण


  • Age bracket
  • Generation
  • Cohort
  • Demographic
  • Peer group

Antonyms: अवयस्कता (Avayaskata)

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Age group refers to a specific range of ages that individuals or populations can be categorized into. It helps in understanding and analyzing various aspects related to different age cohorts. In Nepali, age group is translated as “उमेर समूह” or “वयस्कता समूह.” It is a noun and commonly used in discussions about demographics, education, marketing, and social sciences.

When discussing age groups, it is important to consider nearby words such as adolescent, adult, elderly, infant, and youth. These terms help differentiate between specific age ranges and provide a comprehensive understanding of age-related concepts.

Synonyms for age group include age bracket, generation, cohort, demographic, and peer group. These words can be used interchangeably to convey the same meaning.

On the other hand, the antonym of age group in Nepali is “अवयस्कता” (Avayaskata), which means “immaturity” or “non-adulthood.”

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