age group

Age Group

Meaning in Nepali: उमेर समूह, वयस्कता समूह

Pronunciation: (एज ग्रुप)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adolescent: तरुण, किशोर
  • Adult: प्राप्तवयस्क, मृदु
  • Elderly: बृद्ध, वृद्ध
  • Generation: पीडी, युग
  • Youth: युवा, तरुण


  • Age bracket
  • Age range
  • Age category
  • Age division
  • Age set

Antonyms: अवयस्कता (Immaturity)

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Age group refers to a specific range or category of ages. It is commonly used to classify individuals based on their age for various purposes such as marketing, education, and research. In Nepali, age group can be translated as “उमेर समूह” or “वयस्कता समूह.” It is a noun and can be pronounced as “एज ग्रुप.”

Some nearby words related to age group include “adolescent” (तरुण, किशोर), “adult” (प्राप्तवयस्क, मृदु), “elderly” (बृद्ध, वृद्ध), “generation” (पीडी, युग), and “youth” (युवा, तरुण).

Synonyms for age group include “age bracket,” “age range,” “age category,” “age division,” and “age set.” On the other hand, the antonym for age group is “अवयस्कता” (immaturity).

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