against the stream

Against the Stream

Meaning in Nepali: नदी विरुद्ध, धारामा विपरीत

Pronunciation: (अगेन्स्ट द श्रीम)

Part of Speech: Idiom

Nearby Words:

  • Against: (प्रतिकूल) – Adjective, Preposition – विरुद्ध, विपरीत
  • Stream: (धारा) – Noun – नदी, खोला
  • Opposite: (विपरीत) – Adjective, Noun – विपरीत, उल्टो
  • Contrary: (विपरीत) – Adjective, Noun – विपरीत, उल्टो
  • Rebel: (विद्रोही) – Noun, Verb – विद्रोही, बागी


  • Opposed to the Current
  • Going Against the Flow
  • Contrary to Popular Opinion
  • Nonconformist
  • Unconventional


With Nepali meaning – सामान्य, साधारण

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Against the Stream is an idiom that refers to going against the prevailing opinion or trend. It signifies a person or action that opposes the majority or established norms. In Nepali, it can be translated as “नदी विरुद्ध” or “धारामा विपरीत”. The word “against” means “प्रतिकूल” or “विरुद्ध” in Nepali, while “stream” can be translated as “धारा” or “नदी”. The idiom is often used to describe someone who challenges the status quo or follows their own path, even if it goes against popular opinion. Synonyms for “against the stream” include “opposed to the current,” “going against the flow,” “contrary to popular opinion,” “nonconformist,” and “unconventional.” The antonyms for this idiom are “सामान्य” and “साधारण” in Nepali. To learn more about this phrase, you can refer to,, or