accounts department

Accounts Department

The accounts department is an essential part of any organization, responsible for managing the financial transactions and records. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the financial health and stability of the company. Here is some valuable information about the accounts department:

Meaning in Nepali:

खाता विभाग (khaata vibhaag), लेखा विभाग (lekha vibhaag)


(khaa-taa vee-bhaag), (lek-haa vee-bhaag)

Part of Speech:


Nearby Words:

  • Accountant: (noun) लेखाकार (lekhaakaar)
  • Financial: (adjective) आर्थिक (aarathik)
  • Transaction: (noun) लेनदेन (len-den)


  • Finance Department
  • Bookkeeping Division
  • Financial Management Unit
  • Treasury Office
  • Accounting Section


No direct antonyms found. (निकट विलोम शब्दहरू फेला परेन।)

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