
Affix Meaning in Nepali

Affix meaning in Nepali: लगाउनु, जोड्नु

Pronunciation of Affix: (uh-fiks)

Part of speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Prefix: पूर्वार्ध
  • Suffix: पछाडी
  • Infix: अन्तर्वर्ण
  • Root: मूल
  • Base: आधार

Affix Synonyms:

  • Attach
  • Append
  • Add
  • Join
  • Adjoin

Affix Antonyms:

Detach (छुटाउनु)

An affix is a linguistic element added to a word or a base to modify its meaning or create a new word. In Nepali, the word “affix” can be translated as “लगाउनु” or “जोड्नु.” It is pronounced as “uh-fiks” and functions as a noun.

Some nearby words related to affix include “prefix” (पूर्वार्ध), “suffix” (पछाडी), “infix” (अन्तर्वर्ण), “root” (मूल), and “base” (आधार).

Synonyms for affix include “attach,” “append,” “add,” “join,” and “adjoin.” On the other hand, the antonym for affix is “detach” (छुटाउनु).

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