
Affirmatory Meaning in Nepali

Affirmatory (अभिपुष्ट) is an adjective in Nepali language that has multiple meanings. It can be translated into Nepali as सकारात्मक, पुष्टिकरणकारी, or पुष्टिकरणशील.

Pronunciation: (uh-fur-muh-tawr-ee)

Part of Speech: Adjective

Nearby Words:

  • 1. Affirmative (noun) – सकारात्मक
  • 2. Affirmation (noun) – पुष्टिकरण
  • 3. Affirm (verb) – पुष्टि गर्नु
  • 4. Affirmatively (adverb) – सकारात्मक रूपमा
  • 5. Affirmable (adjective) – पुष्टियोग्य


  • 1. Positive
  • 2. Confirmatory
  • 3. Validating
  • 4. Corroborative
  • 5. Supporting


The antonym of affirmatory in Nepali is नकारात्मक (Negative).

Learn More:

Overall, affirmatory is an adjective in Nepali that signifies positivity, confirmation, and validation. It is often used to describe something that affirms or supports a statement or belief. Understanding the meaning and usage of affirmatory can enhance communication and comprehension in both spoken and written Nepali.