Meaning in Nepali: एरोबेटिक्स, उड्डयन कला
Pronunciation: (air-uh-bat-iks)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Aviation: उड्डयन (noun) – the operation of aircraft.
- Pilot: उड्डयन चालक (noun) – a person who operates an aircraft.
- Stunt: धमाका (noun) – a daring or dangerous feat.
- Thrill: रोमाञ्च (noun) – a feeling of excitement or exhilaration.
- Performance: प्रदर्शन (noun) – an act of presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment.
- Acrobatics
- Aerial maneuvers
- Stunts
- Air shows
- Flying displays
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Aerobatics, also known as “एरोबेटिक्स” or “उड्डयन कला” in Nepali, refers to the practice of performing aerial maneuvers with an aircraft. It involves skilled pilots executing precise and often daring maneuvers, showcasing their control and agility in the air. Aerobatics is a thrilling spectacle that captivates audiences during air shows and flying displays.
Some nearby words related to aerobatics include aviation, pilot, stunt, thrill, and performance. Synonyms for aerobatics include acrobatics, aerial maneuvers, stunts, air shows, and flying displays. Unfortunately, no direct antonyms for aerobatics exist in Nepali.
If you want to delve deeper into the meaning and significance of aerobatics, you can explore the definitions provided by, read about its history and techniques on, or find additional information on