advisory council

Advisory Council

Meaning in Nepali: उपदेशक परिषद्, सल्लाहकार परिषद्

Pronunciation: (अड्भाइजरी काउन्सिल)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Advisory (Noun) – सल्लाहकारिता, सल्लाहकार
  • Advise (Verb) – सल्लाह दिनु, सुझाव दिनु
  • Advisee (Noun) – सल्लाह लिने व्यक्ति
  • Adviseeship (Noun) – सल्लाह लिने व्यक्तित्व
  • Advised (Adjective) – सल्लाह दिएको


  • Council of Advisors
  • Consultative Committee
  • Advisory Board
  • Advisory Panel
  • Advisory Group

Antonyms: निषेधाज्ञा (Prohibition)

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Advisory Council refers to a group of individuals who provide advice, guidance, and recommendations to an organization or government body. In Nepali, it is known as “उपदेशक परिषद्” or “सल्लाहकार परिषद्.” As a noun, it represents a collective body of advisors.

The term “advisory” is closely related, representing the act of giving advice or suggestions. Other related words include “advise,” “advisee,” “adviseeship,” and “advised.” These words are commonly used in the context of seeking or providing guidance.

Synonyms for “advisory council” include “council of advisors,” “consultative committee,” “advisory board,” “advisory panel,” and “advisory group.” These terms can be used interchangeably to refer to a similar concept.

An antonym for “advisory council” is “निषेधाज्ञा” (prohibition), representing the opposite meaning or action.

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