
Meaning in Nepali: विज्ञापन, प्रचार

Pronunciation: (ऐड्वर्टाइजमेन्ट)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Marketing (noun) – विपणन
  • Promotion (noun) – प्रचार
  • Commercial (noun) – व्यापारिक
  • Brand (noun) – ब्राण्ड
  • Consumer (noun) – उपभोक्ता


  • Ad
  • Promotion
  • Publicity
  • Marketing
  • Commercial


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Advertisement, also known as विज्ञापन or प्रचार in Nepali, is a noun that refers to a form of communication used to promote or sell a product, service, or idea. It is a means of reaching out to a target audience and creating awareness or interest in the advertised entity. Advertisements can take various forms, including print ads, television commercials, online banners, and social media posts.

Some nearby words related to advertisement include marketing (विपणन), promotion (प्रचार), commercial (व्यापारिक), brand (ब्राण्ड), and consumer (उपभोक्ता). Synonyms for advertisement include ad, promotion, publicity, marketing, and commercial.

Unfortunately, no antonyms with Nepali meanings were found for advertisement.

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