

Meaning in Nepali: विज्ञापनहरू, जाहिरातहरू

Pronunciation: (ऐड्वर्टाइजमेन्ट्स)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Advertise: (verb) विज्ञापन गर्नु, जाहिरात गर्नु
  • Advertisement: (noun) विज्ञापन, जाहिरात
  • Advertiser: (noun) विज्ञापन गर्ने व्यक्ति, जाहिरात गर्ने व्यक्ति
  • Advertising: (noun) विज्ञापन, जाहिरात
  • Ad: (noun) विज्ञापन, जाहिरात


  • Publicity (प्रचार)
  • Promotion (प्रवर्धन)
  • Marketing (मार्केटिंग)
  • Commercial (वाणिज्यिक)
  • Announcement (घोषणा)


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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Advertisements play a crucial role in today’s society. They are a form of communication used to promote or sell products, services, or ideas. In Nepali, advertisements are known as “विज्ञापनहरू” or “जाहिरातहरू”. They can be seen in various forms such as print ads, television commercials, online banners, and billboards.

Advertisements are an essential part of marketing strategies for businesses. They help create brand awareness, attract customers, and increase sales. Through effective advertising, companies can convey their messages to a wide audience and influence consumer behavior.

Some synonyms for advertisements include “publicity”, “promotion”, “marketing”, “commercial”, and “announcement”. However, there are no direct antonyms for advertisements in Nepali.

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