Meaning in Nepali: व्यभिचारी, अपवित्र, अपवित्री
Pronunciation: (uh-duhl-tuh-rer)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Adulterate: verb, मिलाउनु, मिश्रण गर्नु
- Adulteration: noun, मिलाउने क्रिया, मिश्रण
- Adulterous: adjective, व्यभिचारी, अपवित्र
- Adultery: noun, व्यभिचार, अपवित्रता
- Adult: noun, प्राप्त वयस्क, वयस्क
- cheater
- infidel
- philanderer
- two-timer
- unfaithful
loyal (निष्ठावान), faithful (विश्वासी)
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Adulterer refers to a person who engages in the act of adultery, which involves having sexual relations with someone other than their spouse. In Nepali, the word can be translated as “व्यभिचारी,” “अपवित्र,” or “अपवित्री.” As a noun, it is used to describe someone who commits adultery. The term can be pronounced as “uh-duhl-tuh-rer.”
Some nearby words related to “adulterer” include “adulterate” (मिलाउनु, मिश्रण गर्नु), “adulteration” (मिलाउने क्रिया, मिश्रण), “adulterous” (व्यभिचारी, अपवित्र), “adultery” (व्यभिचार, अपवित्रता), and “adult” (प्राप्त वयस्क, वयस्क).
Synonyms for “adulterer” include “cheater,” “infidel,” “philanderer,” “two-timer,” and “unfaithful.” On the other hand, antonyms for “adulterer” are “loyal” (निष्ठावान) and “faithful” (विश्वासी).
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