
Accoucheur Meaning in Nepali

Accoucheur (जन्मदाता) is a noun in Nepali that refers to a male obstetrician or a person who assists in childbirth.

Pronunciation of Accoucheur: [uh-koo-shur]

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Accouchement (Noun) – जन्मदान
  • Accoucheuse (Noun) – जन्मदात्री
  • Obstetrician (Noun) – जन्मशास्त्री
  • Midwife (Noun) – जन्मदात्री
  • Delivery (Noun) – प्रसव

Synonyms of Accoucheur:

  • Obstetrician
  • Birth attendant
  • Childbirth specialist
  • Delivery doctor
  • Obstetrical surgeon

Antonyms of Accoucheur:

No antonyms found in Nepali.

Learn More:

Accoucheur, derived from French, is a term used to describe a male obstetrician or a person who assists in childbirth. In Nepali, it is translated as “जन्मदाता” (janmadātā). The word is pronounced as [uh-koo-shur]. As a noun, it refers to a professional who specializes in managing and overseeing the process of childbirth. Accoucheur is often used interchangeably with terms like obstetrician, birth attendant, or childbirth specialist. In Nepali, related words include “जन्मदान” (accouchement), “जन्मदात्री” (accoucheuse), “जन्मशास्त्री” (obstetrician), “जन्मदात्री” (midwife), and “प्रसव” (delivery). Synonyms for accoucheur include obstetrician, birth attendant, childbirth specialist, delivery doctor, and obstetrical surgeon. No antonyms were found in Nepali. To explore more about accoucheur, you can visit,, or

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