
Atomism Meaning in Nepali: अणुवाद, अणुवादवाद, अणुवादवादी

Nearby Words:

Noun: अणुवाद, अणुवादवाद, अणुवादवादी

Verb: अणुवाद गर्नु

Adjective: अणुवादित

Part of Speech:




Atomism Synonyms:

1. Materialism – पदार्थवाद

2. Reductionism – घटाउने तत्ववाद

3. Individualism – व्यक्तिवाद

4. Monism – एकतत्ववाद

5. Dualism – द्वैतवाद

6. Pluralism – बहुत्ववाद

Description and Origination of Atomism:

Atomism is a philosophical theory that suggests that everything in the universe is composed of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms. These atoms are believed to be the fundamental building blocks of matter and cannot be further divided. The concept of atomism originated in ancient Greece with philosophers such as Democritus and Leucippus. They proposed that atoms are constantly moving and interacting, giving rise to the diverse forms and substances we observe in the world. Atomism has had a significant influence on various scientific and philosophical disciplines throughout history.


1. Holism – समग्रतावाद

2. Vitalism – जीवात्मवाद

3. Idealism – आदर्शवाद

4. Pantheism – सर्वभूतवाद

5. Spiritualism – आध्यात्मिकतावाद

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