ask after

Ask After Meaning in Nepali: नेपालीमा “ask after” भनेको अर्थ छ। यसलाई “पछाडि प्रश्न गर्नु” भनिन्छ। अरु नेपाली अर्थहरू छन्: “पछाडि थाहा लिनु”, “पछाडि जानु”, “पछाडि खोज्नु”, “पछाडि प्रश्न गर्नु”, “पछाडि जानको खोजी गर्नु”।

Nearby Words:

Noun: Ask, Asker, Asking, Askance, Askew

Verb: Ask, Asker, Asking, Askance, Askew

Part of Speech of Ask After:


Pronunciation of Ask After:

(ask af-ter)

Ask After Synonyms:

1. Inquire about (बारेमा पूछ्नु)

2. Check on (जाँच गर्नु)

3. Seek information about (जानको खोजी गर्नु)

4. Follow up on (पछाडि जानु)

5. Look into (अन्वेषण गर्नु)

6. Investigate (अनुसन्धान गर्नु)

Description and Origination of Ask After: The phrase “ask after” means to inquire about or seek information about someone or something. It originated from the combination of the verb “ask” and the preposition “after.” When you ask after someone, you are showing interest in their well-being or wanting to know more about their current situation.


1. Ignore (अनदेखि गर्नु)

2. Neglect (उपेक्षा गर्नु)

3. Disregard (अनदेखि गर्नु)

4. Overlook (अनदेखि गर्नु)

5. Forget (बिर्सनु)

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